Body Treatments are essentially a facial for your whole body leaving your skin feeling velvety smooth and soft.
Swedish Massage – £29/£49
Duration 25 minutes (back, neck and shoulder) – £29
Duration 55 minutes (full body) – £49
A warming massage to relieve muscular aches and pains, soothing, toning, leaving you feeling calm and relaxed.
Hopi Ear Candling – £35
Duration 30 minutes
An ancient therapy involving the use of ear candles to aid complaints such as headaches, sinusitis, migraines and colds. A gentle relaxing treatment effectively removing the build up and pressure of ear wax.
Exfoliation and Body Hydration – £50
Duration 60 minutes
Enjoy a full body de-stress of a detoxifying scrub containing essential oils, followed by hot steam mitts and body hydration.
Vita Liberata Spray Tan
Duration 20 minutes (depending on treatment area)
Look and feel gorgeous every day! The safe tanning option that provides stunning results quickly and effectively. You will immediately feel more vibrant.